Friday, November 12, 2010

Freelancing? No, just blogging!

One person with a belief is equal to a force of 99 who have only interests.”
 - John Stuart Mill

Looking back onto my first 2 weeks of blogging experience I dare say it takes more time than I ever imagined. In order to write you really need to get your stuff together.......first, your info must be accurate therefore some back-up verification is needed, then a little history lesson never hurt anybody along the way.....more research. Finally you can start writing your blog.....after you’ve found and/or decided upon a subject. Some days are easier than others to come up with a post, that is helpful to others, that interests me and is fun for my friends to read.....not always “naturellement evident”!?!
While I’m trying to keep expat kids and expat hubby happy along the way, I am continuously learning about new blogging features which takes a great deal of time but is fascinating. This computer progamming (even though very basic) really open up a whole new world to me.
In the belief that I am opening a whole new world to you, please keep on following me (either through facebook’s Networked blogs or directly on my webpage
Off to prepare some food for the kids who come home from school for lunch. ;)

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