Sunday, May 10, 2020

10 questions to ask yourself to take stock after confinement

We are all looking forward to going back to "normal", even if we are not quite sure what the new normal will look like. The faster we let go of expectations of “normal,” the faster we adapt. This period of confinement has allowed us to figure out what is actually important to us and focus on that.
Here are ten questions to ask yourself after confinement.

1.) What have you stopped doing and don't want to start again?
2.) What did you start and want to save time for now?
3.) What do you miss the most? Make your top 3
4.) What didn't you do when you absolutely wanted to get started?
5.) Is it too late? Is it really important?
6.) What did you find out about yourself?
7.) Are you surprised?
8.) Is your personal experience of containment generally positive or negative? Why?
9.) What expectations of “normal” are you letting go of today?
10.) What beauty are you creating, cultivating, or inviting in today?

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