Monday, November 5, 2012

Notte del Racconto - Storytelling Night

“The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings

Get ready for this year's Storytelling Night which will be held on November 9th, 2012 throughout Switzerland.

Every year since 1990, children and adults meet all across Switzerland on the second Friday of November to tell stories around a common theme. The "Storytelling Night" is an initiative of the Swiss Institute for Media and Children (ISMR) in collaboration with UNICEF and supported by the Swiss library association:

The motto of this year's Storytelling Night - "Fire and flame: when everything is possible" - allows plenty of space for story telling charged with bright enthusiasm, burning passions and exciting adventures.

The night of storytelling is based on a simple yet brilliant concept: to tell stories, reading them out aloud throughout Switzerland, on the same night. Children and adults can spend an enchanted evening, full of mysterious charm while listening to a narrative. Follow the old tradition by re-inventing a communication model - out-of-fashion nowadays - but more important than ever. Apart from the simple  pleasure of listening to a narrative, it is also provides a unique opportunity to unite multiple generations around a fun event.

The poster and postcard for the Swiss Story Night 2012 was designed by Chilean artist Constanza Bravo who lives in Geneva.

Following is a list of places throughout the Ticino where you'll find adults and children reading captivating stories to their spellbound audience:

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