Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Everything about Circus Knie is Magical!

It's the time of year again.....

November in Ticino is Circus time. The Circus Knie has travelled across the entire country over the past eight months and will be concluding its tour in Lugano as usual. Soon you'll be able to enjoy the new programme PASSION CIRQUE.

This year's high-caliber programme incorporates the magical combination of acrobatics, animal acts, clowns and popular comedy to deliver a passionate performance.

I thought I'd share some facts about Switzerland's National Circus:
Number of tours since 1919: 94
Number of venues: 43
Tour Duration: 22 March to 18 November 2012
Number of tour days: 243
Of these preforming days: 219
Duration by Location: 2 days to 4 weeks (Zurich)
Performances: 348
- 183 evening performances
- 146 matinees
- 13 morning performances

I usually try to buy tickets for the very last show of the year. Knowing that it is the final preformance renders the show a bit more special and I believe the artists feel this emotion as well. It blows my mind to walk into this magical world before the production and walk out the tent two hours later and find everything - and I mean everything - except the tent we had been sitting under has been taken down and is on its way to Rapperswil, Circus Knie's winter residence.

Venue: Circus Knie
Where: Stadio Cornaredo
Dates: November 15th to 18th, 2012
Thursday - 20.15
Friday - 15.00 and 20.15
Saturday 13.30, 17.00 and 20.30
Sunday 10.30, 14.30 and 18.00

Hurry and order your tickets online here: http://www.ticketcorner.ch/circus-knie-tickets.html or buy them at the Swiss Post Offices, Manor dept.stores, SBB train stations or Coop City.

I've added a timelapesed video of Circus Knie tent construction for your entertainment:

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