Sunday, March 21, 2021

Moving with kids

For those of you moving soon, I wish to share a brilliant idea I came across in my favourite facebook Group called "Two Fat Expats". The "Two Fat Expats" believe that expat life should be lived large: Making the most of it, filling it up with as much as you can, and if you’re on the move – enjoying rather than enduring. We all know that it can be really tough being away from family, friends, and familiarity – which is why hopfully Two Fat Expats will provide ideas and inspiration to make your expat life fatter.

This group is all about support, encouragement and giggles with a bit of expat reality thrown in. Following is a recent post that the author allowed me to share as it may help some of you peek into your kids emotions:

Debby (changed name) will be starting a new Expat chapter with her young children. She told them last night that they are moving. As expected tears were flowing, so she decided to create three colourful jars and placed them in a highly transited area of the house with post it notes and pens:

one jar is for them to write their "feelings" 

the second one for "questions"

and the last one for "wishes" 

Over the weekend lots of pit stops were made with frantic writing action. Debby admits, it made her sad to see the word "angry" in the feelings jar, but it is a beautiful window into how the kids are processing the news about their upcoming move. 

Making sure to say ALL feelings, wishes and questions are ok and welcomed is important. Don't forget to made a point to write into the jars too, so they see that Mummy and Daddy are also processing this moment. Good luck and bon voyage! 

1 comment:

  1. I really love this idea. Not only for kids but also for adults who are lacking in some communications skills. Thank you for sharing this tip!
