Saturday, June 20, 2020

Swiss Review readership survey

The publisher of "Swiss Review", the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) is conducting a comprehensive readership survey in which it hopes many people will participate. The OSA represents Swiss expatriates' interests in Switzerland. It informs Swiss living abroad about what is happening in Switzerland and provides them with a wide selection of services.

This month the Research Institute for the Public Sphere and Society (FÖG) – the University of Zurich’s independent body specialised in media research – has been entrusted with coordinating the survey.

What content does "Swiss Review" need to offer to ensure that it is as relevant to readers in Switzerland’s neighbouring countries as it is to those Swiss who live thousands of miles away? What topics interest the extremely diverse "Fifth Switzerland"? What should tomorrow’s "Swiss Review" look like?

The readers are the best people to answer these questions. Express your thoughts about the magazine in its current form, provide OSA with information about your own reading habits, tell them what you would like to see in future, and feel free to submit any general feedback that you may have. You can access the survey directly via the following link:

Key findings of the survey will be published in the 1/2021 edition of “Swiss Review”.

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