Thursday, May 21, 2020

Who do I want to be

Life has changed for all of us due to the outbreak of the covid 19 coronavirus. During challenging times, it is natural to react in a way that ensures our safety and the safety of those we care about. It is important to tend to our most immediate needs and address our most immediate challenges.

Challenging times, however, also present us with opportunities to grow, support others, and become valuable in new and different ways. Sometimes, if our mindset is right, we can also learn a great deal about ourselves, who we are, and who we can become. Below is a graphic you might find helpful in thinking through who you want to be during this difficult time.

Look at yourself and objectively think about where you are, you may even be in all 3 zones, or 1 zone today and another tomorrow.  Everybody you come across are in different zones. Instead of judging or getting angry we need to all show empathy.  After all, we’re in it together!

Fear Zone
I grab food, toilet paper and medications that I don’t need
I spread emotions related to fear and anger
I complain frequently
I forward all messages I receive
I get mad easily
Learning Zone
I start to give up what I can’t control
I stop compulsively consuming what hurts me, from food to news
I identify my emotions
I become aware of the situation and think how to act
I evaluate information before spreading something false
Growth Zone
I think of others and see how to help them
I make my talents available to those who need them
I live in the present and focus on the future
I am empathetic with myself and others
I thank and appreciate others
I keep a happy emotional state and spread hope
I look for a way to adapt to new changes
I practice quietude, patience, relationships and creativity

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that beautiful diagram. It's perfect in showcasing the different states of mind that are occurring during this coronavirus outbreak.
