Monday, August 12, 2019

Sports climbing up the Luzzone dam

If you’re up for a challenge and into wall climbing, you might be interested in Ticino’s man-made climbing route, the Diga di Luzzone.

Bolted in the 1990s when a German manufacturer of climbing holds installed a line of over 650 artificial holds and bolts, the working dam slash artificial wall is considered as the Everest of wall climbing as it extends up to 165 meters from the base to the top of the dam.

The Lago di Luzzone is actually a reservoir with a volume of 108 million m³ located in the upper Blenio valley. The arch dam Luzzone was completed in 1963. In the years 1997–1998, its height was increased by 17 m?!?

The reservoir lies at a height of 1,606 metres above sea level and is surrounded by peaks of over 3,000 metres. The highest is Piz Terri (3,149 m), on the north-east side of the lake, followed by the Plattenberg (3,041 m), on the east side. The Torrone di Nav (2,832 m) overlooks the lake from the south side, while Pizzo Pianca (2,377 m) overlooks the lake from the north side.

The Luzzone region in the Blenio valley is full of excursion itineraries. It’s easy to find something that suits you. A slow stroll along the valley or a challenging path to the summit? Whatever your choice, you’ll enjoy a fabulous landscape! Go to check it out as long as the weather lasts.

Venue: Luzzone dam
Where: Ristorante Luzzone, Via Cantonale, 6720 Campo Blenio
When: at good weather conditions every day from May 1st to October 30th
Price: CHF 20.00 per person
Ticket and keys may be obtained at: Ristorante Luzzone (Tel. +41 91 872 13 55)

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