Friday, July 19, 2019

Keep Ticino's mountains clean

Montagnepulite: This project was born to promote an effective management and sustainable use of mountain huts in Ticino, and in particular the litter management. The responsible management of litter in the mountains is a matter of common sense. We can all contribute by producing less waste.

Let’s reduce the amount of waste and not leave waste in the nature. You will give a valuable contribution if you bring your rubbish back home. Abandoned waste in nature takes too long to decompose: a simple cigarette butt takes anywhere from 1 to 5 years, a can from 20 to 100 years. Even a banana skin, although biodegradable, takes two months to decompose. The waste, in addition to being ugly, it cause pollution and is a danger for animals.

So thank you for joining the movement Montagna pulita.

You can become a pioneer: everyone can contribute, starting even with the smallest of actions. Maybe your simple idea will “infect” other people. Do you have any innovative solution to share?

Join the SHERPA project and see how a small gesture can become contagious! You will find garbage bags at participating mountain huts. Take one bag and bring your waste down to the valley to dispose of it properly.

This summer 2019 you could find the SHERPA project in the following huts:
- Capanna Monte Tamaro, UTOE
- Capanna Adula, UTOE
- Capanna Bovarina, UTOE
- Capanna Monte Bar, CAS Ticino
- Capanna Cornavosa, SEV
- Capanna Scaletta, SAT Lucomagno

If you fill in Sherpa's guestbook, you will participate in a raffle and you could win nice eco-logic prizes! The 1st prize is a bike Merida City/Trekking Crossway 500 worth CHF 1190.-.

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