Sunday, May 26, 2019

7.5 billion people in one chart

There are close to 200 countries spread around the globe, with populations ranging from near 1.4 billion (China or India) to countries a mere 0.001% of that size. How is it possible to do the mental math in interpreting such a wide range of data points simultaneously?

Data visualization allows us to see the location of the world’s 7.5 billion people by resizing countries based on their populations and then colouring and organizing them by region.

The first thing you might notice on the graphic is the relative size of regions, with Asia taking up a whopping 60% of the visual space.

About 75% of people reside in Asia or Africa. Meanwhile, the regions of Europe, North America, South America, and Oceania just total together to 25% of the mix.

For example, China and India combine to 2.7 billion people, together accounting for 36% of the total global population.

Switzerland just makes in into the Top 100 ranking No.97 with a population of 8'454'000!

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