Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Expat Network fun challenge

They say there are only 6 degrees of separation between us. For expats I’m sure it’s less. That’s because we are connected by the mysterious and invisible force that is The Expat Network.

So, Expatorama has come up with an Expat Pass the Parcel Competition. The idea for the competition grew from a coffee table that was magically transported from one continent to another between total strangers based solely on each others recommendations, connections and goodwill.

The idea is that three lucky readers will receive a small mystery parcel containing some goodies all the way from Hong Kong. If you win, Expatorama's challenge is to get your mystery prize hand delivered to you via The Expat Network. No stamps, no postboxes, no airmail stickers, no courier companies or tracking numbers. Instead you will receive it by Expat Express using only the team spirit and interconnectivity of The Expat Network. We are quite literally going to play Pass the Parcel, with an Expat twist.

Along the way we will see how many expats it takes to pass the expat parcel from Hong Kong to you. We will also count the degrees of separation between us. How does that sound?

Click on Expatorama's link and fill in the entry form... et viola!

The closing date for Expat Pass the Parcel is April 7th 2019.  Expatorama will be announcing the three winners from a lucky dip shortly afterwards. Then the race is on. We will see how long it takes to pass the parcel from me to you. I’ll be interested to see how many expats it takes for the package to complete its journey.

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