Monday, February 4, 2019

The typical Expat woman

Is there a typical Expat woman? Of course, there isn't but if you take all the findings of Internations' latest survey this is what you get:

1.) In terms of age group, the average expat woman is most likely to be thirty-something — with 31%, women between 31 and 40.
2.) When it comes to the typical countries of origin, the top five nationalities among expat women are very similar to the worldwide average: female expats from the US, the UK, Germany, France, and Canada make up 39% of all women participating in the survey.
3.) Women’s current top five countries of residence are Germany, the US, the UK, Spain, and Switzerland — these are destinations preferred by all respondents regardless of gender.
4.) Women most often give one of the following reasons for moving abroad: their partner’s job or education (16%), the wish to live in their partner’s home country (12%), as well as finding a new job on their own (11%).
5.) Before actually moving, expat women tend to see these factors as a particular benefit: general living standards in their host country (63%), personal safety (51%), as well as language (44%). Indeed, more than one in four women (27%) speak the local language of their destination fluently.
6.) Those women who do have a significant other are just as likely as male expats to be in an intercultural relationship: nearly three in five (57%) are in a relationship with someone from another country.
7.) There’s one thing both genders have in common when it comes to romance: men and women alike are satisfied with their relationship — 84% and 85%, respectively, judge this aspect of their life positively.
8.) More than one in four women (27%) are currently raising children abroad.

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