Saturday, January 12, 2019

ENUEUM or how the Swiss empathize with Britain

Suspicions that Switzerland and the UK have been quietly working behind the scenes to draw up a post-Brexit economics and trade agreement have now been confirmed.

Mid.December 2018, the Swiss government announced it had signed off on the text of the new agreement it said should form the basis of business and trade relations between the two countries after the UK quits the European Union.

Trade between Switzerland and the UK was worth 17.5 billion Swiss francs last year. The UK was Switzerland’s sixth biggest export market in 2017 and its sixth largest direct investor in 2016.

However, the trade agreement between the UK and Switzerland, will need to be approved by the parliaments of both countries. In the meantime, a good dose of sense of humour will get us through the transition period.

Welcome to the EUNEUM (European Union of Non European Members) or how the Swiss offer a hand to friendless Brexit Britain...

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