Saturday, November 24, 2018

P stands for Paris: Two Fat Expats interview

I am delighted and honoured to have been picked as interviewée of the weekly "Two Fat Expats" podcast. Driven by two Aussie expats - whom like I believe that life should be lived large and that it is only fair to share - their podcast bursts with ideas and inspiration on how to make expat life fuller and therefore fatter.

The topics range from International schooling to money matters, from feeling the expat blues to celebrating lifelong friendships. They talk about moving families across continents, the complexities of caring for ageing parents remotely, coping with kids' homesickness and the empty nest syndrome. Career rebooting is a popular theme as is expat marriage. Each episode deals with real-life concerns no matter which nationality you are.

Two Fat Expats is listened to in over 160 countries and although we - the listeners - are all different and most of us have never met, we all come together on Kirsty and Nikki's site to have a good laugh, to seek advice or share soothing compassion. Somehow these two ladies have managed to create a global bond that is alive and active through social media where everybody is welcome to join. It has become a place to turn to, a platform where people pour out their hearts, a spot where honesty is expected, respected and valued.

The beauty of it all is that you will not find affiliations or hidden advertising, just expats looking for independent expat advice. The "Two Fat Expat" podcast is like a weekly cheat sheet on current expat trends where the charming and very professional Aussie Duo share what they have learnt that week.

The "Two Fat Expats" love a good story on the podcast and like most expat women they also love to sit back, relax and hear the stories of others about their expat adventures.

This week I get to tell mine because P stands for Paris!

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