Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Creating the "Most Positive Day in the World"

You look lovely. Aren't you brave? Fantastic job!

Go ahead give your family, friends and colleagues - or even yourself - a compliment... it is World Compliment Day today after all.

After 10 successful editions of “National Compliment Day” in the Netherlands the initiators wonder why the event should not become a "World Compliment Day" and thus create The Most Positive Day in the World?

The initiative, is not commercially oriented, so everyone can afford to participate. "World Compliment Day" simply addresses the basic human need for recognition and appreciation. Nobody wins commercially, but everybody gains emotionally. And therein lies its power.

March 1st is just about consciously reflecting on what someone in your area does well and letting that person know he/she is sincerely appreciated for that. It should be done through words instead of gifts.

So go ahead, spread those compliments because a sincere and personal compliment costs nothing, but the impact on the recipient is huge. Nothing stimulates more, gives more energy, makes people happier and, as far as business is concerned, increases productivity and commitment faster than sincere appreciation.

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