Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How would you rule Switzerland?

Ever wondered how you would rule an entire country? Here is your chance to rule Switzerland for the next 70 years... providing you speak French. Let me tell you about the first game of Swiss policy strategy called: Tabula Rasa

Before the 2015 federal elections, the objective of the Swiss Radio and Television (RTS) is to let all citizens rebuild their ideal Switzerland, and by doing this express their wishes and priorities. Tabula Rasa is a journalistic experiment and an innovation in the way to animate elections in Switzerland.

Lower the retirement age? Build new nuclear power plants? Increase subsidies in agriculture? Restrict immigration? As a Tabula Rasa player, you will hold political levers of Switzerland to make decisions in creating a country that meets your aspirations.

However, you must ensure that the created world is fully functional: it is not to be a utopia, but you are asked to make choices that will shape a Switzerland which, while reflecting its values, would be a viable state.

In a fun and accessible way, Tabula Rasa can also be used as a teaching tool to educate young people about political and economic life of their country. Sign in and see how you face Switzerland's future challenges.

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