Tuesday, June 9, 2015

For a better healthier you! 5 a Day

We've all heard about the five portions of fruits and vegetables we are suppose to eat per day to stay healthy.

Here's a little help via "5 a Day", a national health promotion campaign aimed at boosting your fruit and vegetable consumption. The objective is better health and well-being for the population of Switzerland. "5 a Day" shows you how to increase your personal consumption of fruit and vegetables – variety with a lot of fun and pleasure.

Eat five portions of vegetables and fruit every day. This depends on how you feel and without having to weigh each portion.  A portion equals about a handful of vegetables or fruit. Here’s how to determine the appropriate portion:  For children, it’s 70 gr of vegetables or 100 gr of fruit.  For adults, it’s 102 gr of vegetables or fruit. How and when the portions are eaten during the day is not as important as the versatility in choice of vegetable and fruit varieties; because in each fruit and vegetable there are a range of substances that are good for our bodies. The more colourful, the better!

Need a little help, just check out their site: 5 a Day.
The site also gives you the info for every vegetable and fruit you can find at the market.
Looking for some kids friendly explanations, click here for the Nutrition Disk or the Food Pyramid.

There's even a logo "5 a Day" that provides helpful guidance when selecting vegetables and fruit enriched products.

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