Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Beautiful is a great word...

Dove is known for its powerful, inspiring ad campaigns, and can be credited as one of the first major companies to shift the conversation and spotlight onto real women. The result? Videos that are viral sensations and strike a serious emotional chord with audiences. This latest endeavor might be the iconic beauty brand's most moving effort yet.

For its "Choose Beautiful" campaign, Dove highlighted five cities across the globe — San Francisco, Shanghai, Delhi, London, and Sao Paulo. Women in local shopping areas were filmed as they walked up to one of two doors; each entrance was marked with a bold sign reading "average" or "beautiful." The camera followed the women as they entered through their chosen door, where they were asked to explain their thought process, and to define the term "beautiful."


  1. I think that every woman should have chosen the door "beautiful" : we must to use more "self-celebration" and being optimistic

  2. So agree and I hope this video encourages women to step through that "beautiful" door more often!
