Thursday, October 9, 2014

Chestnut festival in Ticino

If you live in Ticino, you know, October is one of the most beautiful months of the year. Not only does all the foliage turn into hues of red and orange but it is also chestnut season. Chestnuts are an integral part of the Ticinese tradition. Just take a look at this poem dedicated to the chestnut.


La castagna cicciottella
si lamenta che sta stretta
dentro al riccio poverella
e di uscire ha una gran fretta

Quando è autunno inoltrato
con compagne e le sorelle
fa un bel salto giù nel prato
divertentendosi a crepapelle

Fra le foglie si nasconde
e le altre stanno all'erta
cade il riccio dalle fronde
ride e resta a.. bocca aperta

Ma per poco durò il giochino
le raccolsero in un cestino
e la castagna cicciottella
si trovò in una padella.

Every year around mid-October the most famous Chestnut Festival is held in a different village in the Muggio Valley. The theme of the festival revolves around a single product, in all its variations: the chestnut.

This fruit was an important source of nutrition for the civil population during the difficult years of war and it has been rediscovered in recent times, not only in form of roasted chestnuts but also in many other variations such as a cake, preserves and even beer too.

Venue: Sagra della Castagna
Where: Valle Muggio
When: Sunday, October 19th, 2014
Time 13:30

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