Sunday, October 27, 2013

Expat with Kids turns THREE!

Googling the meaning of the third anniversary I came up with this answer: "The 3rd wedding anniversary is basically when a couple is aware of their strength of their relationship."

So, I am not married to my blog - eventhough my hubby begs to differ sometimes - but it has become a relationship, a place where I continue to share practical information with wacky facts and fun news.

It started out as a challenge. A computer lover, but complete novice when it came to blogging, I sat myself down for 48 hours to set up what is today my blog "Expat with Kids". With people in mind who are living through the similar experience of landing in a small, unfamiliar city searching to connect with locals and the few expats at the same time.

It has been a fun journey allowing me to connect online with many of my followers with specific requests or compliments. Once in a while, I ventured out to meet up with one of a my readers personally and I can honestly say that everytime I did, we connected in a way only expats can and intense!

Although I must admit we moved to Paris over two years ago, I enjoy continuing my Expat guide about Lugano and am proud of my 10'000 views per month.

Under the motto If you can't bet 'em, just join 'em I have started a second blog in Paris called Expat with Kids in Paris.

A big, hearty thank you to all my supporters and followers who - by clicking my link - encourage me to keep going and allow me to follow my passion by sharing this lovely corner of the world.

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