- Parlami d’amore - Speak to me of love
- Sei la piu bella/il più bello del mondo - You are the most beatiful/handsome in the world- Vivo per te - I live for you
- Ho bisogno di te - I need you
- Sono pazzo/pazza di te - I am crazy about you
- Sei l'amore della mia vita - You are the love of my life
- Grazie d’esistere - Thank you for existing
- Portrei guardarti tutto il giorno - I could look at you all day
- Tesoro mio - My treasure
- Sono tutto tuo/tua - I am all yours
- Ti mangierei - I want to eat you up
- Voglio invecchiare con te - I want to grow old with
- Ti penso sempre - Thinking of you always
- Mi manchi - I miss you
- Il mio cuore batte solo per te - My heart beats only for you
This is truly a short list of Italian love phrases. They have many ways of saying and expressing love, devotion and passion. Communication is the Italians' forte. For now you can have fun sprinkling an Italian love phrase here and there; use them in love letters, text messages or asking for a kiss!
Here is the perfect song to go with it:
Quelle jolie photo volée sur mon compte facebook ! Merci de respecter la propriété intellectuelle des photographe et de préciser le crédit photo sur votre blog
Valérie Courrot
Désolée de cette méprise, je crois que plusieurs personnes ont pris ce Coeur en photo
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