Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Summer school for Ticino kids by ASIG

“The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.”
Tom Bodett

The Associazione per l'infanzia e la gioventù (ASIG) dedicates itself to proposing projects, ogranizing activities and providing learning environments of culture, sociality, learning and creativity for children aged 2 to 20. Their goal is to give children a chance to have fun while discovering new interests and new passions to cultivate.

ASIG has set up summer camps in five Ticino locations (Lugano, Locarno, Bellinzona, Mendrisio and Chiasso) offering students a stimulating environment and peaceful place to spend summer mornings followed by study sessions guided by a competent person who ensures a quality service. Children receive an oppotunity to catch up in subjects of Math, Chemistry, French, German and English.

The sessions are in Italian during which the past school year's programme is reviewed and topics for the following school year are introduced. They also provide individual tutorials according to needs and requirements.

The groups are organized with a minimum of 8 participants during the months of June, July and August.

Where: Detailed information click here or contact: Alice Loos or Cornelia Kuhn at Tel. 091/ 752'29'60 or
When: from June 27th to August 26th,, 2011 (weekly sessions)
Time: 8:30 to 12:00
Price: CHF 230.- per week (incl.material)

"Chicche di scienza" (6–10 anni)
Protagonisti di una divertente ed
esplosiva esperienza che darà vita al
magico laboratorio ludico-didattico.

Matematica Base Ludico (6-9 anni)
Un viaggio divertente alla scoperta del mondo dei numeri e delle forme.

Matematica (12–15 anni)
Problemi a farti amica quel mostro
della matematica? Noi ti sveliamo
il segreto per conquistarla...

ChimicaMente !  (12-15 anni)      
Laboratorio didattico con esperimenti e fantastiche scoperte.
Ripasso e preparazione in materia scolastica.

E...state con ASIG all'insegna della cultura!

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