Sunday, April 3, 2011

Man Ray in Lugano

"It has never been my object to record my dreams, just the determination to realize them."
Man Ray

Man Ray (1890–1976) has been one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century, and is universally known for such iconic works as Le Violon d’Ingres and Cadeau, which epitomize the artistic canons of a whole century.

The outstanding inventiveness of this prolific photographer, painter, maker of objects and experimental films is presented in the exhibition through some four hundred works that document the artist’s creative path, and cast light on the leitmotifs underlying his oeuvre: the female figure, his passion for the chess game, the relationship between reality and fiction, the mask and the veiled persona, experimental photography, and many others.

The iconography is further enriched by the works of some other leading twentieth-century artists — Jean Arp, Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia, and Pablo Picasso, to name just a few — providing insights into the context in which Man Ray’s works were created.

In conjunction with the exhibition there is even a Man Ray Game. MRG is a social game with a cultural  aim: a competition for "creative writing" about  Man Ray's life. Each week an image is published and a question is asked: for the following week you can submit your "fictional episode" answering the question. Each week 3 finalists will be nominated and the weekly winner will be selected with an open worldwide voting. An overall winner will be voted at the end of the competition.

You can win free tickets for the exhibition, catalogues or/and nights in a charming hotel in Lugano.

Where: Museo d'Arte, Lugano
When: March 26th to June 19th, 2011
Time: Tuesday - Sunday: 10.00-18.00, Friday: 10.00-21.00
closed Mondays except April 25th and June 13th, 2011
Event: May 14th, 2011 "Night at the museums": 10.00-18.00 and 19.30-01.00

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