Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter from Lugano, Switzerland

Guess who's hop, hop, hopping your way?
To wish you a hap, hap, happy Holiday.
Loaded with goodies made just for you.
It's the Easter Bunny 
That's who.

Lindt's golden chocolate Easter bunny 
has become an instituion in Switzerland.
(Manor is Lugano's one and only department store!)

Supermarkets filled to the rim with Swiss Chocolate Easter eggs

Chocolate "Kinder" Easter eggs - an Italian import

Traditional Swiss Chocolate Easter bunnies....where do I start?

The choice just goes on and on!
Guess what, my kids and I will be munching on chocolate to our hearts delights during the holidays.

Wishing all of you a very Happy Easter!


  1. Happy Easter to you! HOpe it was amazing. These photos just reminded me that Easter candy is now on sale today :). YUM!

  2. Thanks for the wishes. Just got back from sunny Florida. hope you enoy the photos of today's post. ;)
