Friday, March 18, 2011

Follow along Friday from Lugano around the world!

It's Friday therefore kick back and pop by some funny, quirky, inspirational, exceptional blogs and leave a comment. Then add yourself to the list and see how many visitors have a peep at your blog.

Feel free to grab my button which you'll find half-way down the side bar.

Have a lovely Friday!


  1. Awesome blog!

    I just found your blog through one of the Friday Blog Hops!! Have a great weekend.

    Amanda @

  2. I am so excited to find your blog!! We have been back in the States for 10 years (!) but were expats for almost 4 years. We lived in Kilchburg, a little village just outside Zurich.
    We miss it so much....going back to visit this summer.:)
    Am definitely following YOU! Stop by and visit me if you can.

  3. Thank you for stoping by Amanda and Kristi.
    @Amanda: Happy Birthday for your 1st year of blogging. Can't participate with the givaways since I live abroad but will definately follow your blog and recommend it to a Nutricionist friend of mine in Spain (
    @ Kristi: I love your post Lessons from mum. Will definately be following you. I grew up in Zurich, Kilchberg is one of the nicest spots around Zurich!
    Welcome back ;)

  4. I am following you on google connect from "Boost My Blog Friday"! Cute blog;-)

    Jeanette Huston
