Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's Superbowl night!!!

Millions of people have counted down the days, minutes and seconds to watch the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Green Bay Packers vie for the championship title.

Tonight is the last game of the season: Who will get THE RING???

Get ready football fans, because today is game day for the game of all games:
the Super Bowl.

Sure, the Super Bowl is for football fans. However, lots of non-football fans will tune in to see all the creative commercials. Most of us know that not many companies have the funds available to book commercial spots during the Super Bowl game. The price tag to air just one 30 second commercial is $3 million. Ad spots were all sold out last October. For companies like Pepsi Max, Doritos, and Best Buy, they have the big budgets. These big companies will air more than five commercials each during the entire game, according to the NFL. But we all know the investment is worth it for these large corporations. While they can afford paying anywhere from $3 million to $20 million for ad spots, they know their profits will only sky rocket as nearly 80 million people are expected to tune into Sunday’s game.

While football fans are geared up for the game, millions of non-football fans will no doubt tune in and check out all the commercials. Unfortunately these commmercials are not shown on international channels but nevertheless invite
 some friends over, whip up some guacamole, Buffalo wings, nachos, and onion dip and tune in to SSF, ARD, France2, BBC2 or ORF1 (don't forget to switch into English) for the amazing atmosphere.

Another option is to watch the event livestream via your computer. Check out: for further details. I have NOT tried this link myself, therefore cannot guarantee that'll give desired results. Would be interested to hear feedback though ;)

Click here for the offical NFL site and get live updates via twitter and start sharing your emotions and opinions.

In case you we're wondering: I'll be rooting for the Pittburg Steelers mainly because my Dad is from Pennsylvania.

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